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What to do after knowing?


Updated: Mar 13, 2024

First become aware of your environment. How is the environment affecting you? Environment includes your house, how much clutter is there in the house. Just sit and look around, be aware, you may realise there are things around that you do not want. Clean up. Objects, possessions you may be holding on to that you do not need. Things you are holding on to because of memory sake and now you realise that you do not need those memories.

Second, become aware of your relationships. Are you unnecessarily holding on to and connecting with people you would rather not? What they say and how you respond to them? How do they impact you? Cut the dependencies. Be independent if you are dependent on them, and make them independent if they are dependent on you. Keep the relationship minimum. Remember every relation except with that of the Guru, is give and take. Minimise it.

Third, become aware of your body. What is this body? It is just an ecosystem in which millions of other microorganisms live. It is an environment by itself. Body is part of nature affected by the Sun, Moon, wind, climate, and weather. It has its own intelligence and automations. Check what is healthy, what makes it impure. Foods that suit this body, foods that make it unhealthy and lethargic and dull. Keeping it clean is very important. Body is the muladhara, the foundation, the vehicle, the tool through which you play the game.

Fourth- Chitt- what is happening in the intellect, how are the lower layers functioning, where are the desires coming from, is intellect under the demands of ego? Or is it working on animalistic tendencies?

When all experience comes under awareness, of environment, people, body, mind, it starts making changes. The light of awareness shines on the mind and makes positive changes. If you want to make it even faster, spend more time with those who are aware.

Key is awareness- this creature can only do this much. Intellect does not want to change, body does not want to change. However much time you spend on the body, it will not change. The house cannot remain clean for even two days. You need to clean it again, and again. You want to change the whole world! Anger comes the moment we are part of society, and become aware of that also. Society is not going to work like us. Garbage cannot be enjoyed even if you perfume it. It cannot be eaten even if you add pure butter and dry fruits to it.

You can only guide those who want to be guided by you, nothing else can be done. Now if the old habits are still going on, it is not right. Intellect will say that I want to meet more people, read more books, know more- it is because you still haven't found a new goal. So the old continues. If you haven’t made a new one, the old will continue. Make a new one now. Start writing, sharing, do it in a small way. Give some direction. Write a few books. Open a small place to help others. Do with small kids, keep in awareness. Support your Guru or others who are doing spiritual work.

You look at any Guru they are doing the same. Whether singing bhajans, or jokes or straight knowledge. You have got over the desire to run after money or success but still that is not enough. You may still be running after meeting more Gurus, reading more scriptures, nothing new you will get except keeping the intellect happy. Take advice from other Gurus. Keep yourself busy in service. Sahaj Samadhi is right now, with awareness. It is not getting lost in other things. Ignorant people are busy talking about unnecessary things. The change and experience along with awareness is Sahaj samadhi.

~From the podcast of Tarun Pradhaan



All the questions are coming from the same place where all the answers are.

~ Tarun Pradhaan 

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