We have all heard the famous quote from Bhagwad Geeta that we only have the right to perform our actions, but we are not entitled to nor should we concern ourselves about the fruits of those actions. At the same time we should not be attached to inaction. It sounds great but is it really possible to live in this world, act; and not expect any results?
Don't we all behave completely in an opposite manner? We do all actions with results in mind and it is difficult to even imagine if there is any other way to act! Didn't I compete to come first? Didn't I study to get a good job? Didn't I get married to be happy? Didn't I work hard to get the promotion and big pay cheque? Didn't I help other people to create good karma? If not for these fruits, why was there a need to act?
If we have seen little children, they do everything just for the sake of doing it. They have no clue about results. It is the social conditioning that fills them up with this action-consequence syndrome. I am not saying it is not required, it is. But where we go wrong is we do not know where to stop! We pull this thing in every act and behaviour. And after a point it becomes automated. Now we do not know any other way to act or behave. Even when we do some good for others, or help them; it is either with the desire to get something back in return or with the thought of creating good karma.
Is it possible to come out of this conditioning? Absolutely yes! And that is when you need to go to a Guru who lives like that- acts but does not expect any fruits; helps but does not want anything in return. And that person only can teach you how you can live like him.
And then you become like a small child again- playing, and enjoying the play. Doing all actions yet not least interested in the fruits whether they are good, bad, ugly or neutral.
Listen to the talk here: