This is the latest addition to the Upanishads. Short and sweet. Has the essence of all the Vedas rolled into three little paragraphs.
Knowledge of Illusion
Tomato is temporary, changing, it seems stable because of memory. It is an illusion. Just a memory created name and form. Tomato is a vibration and its sensory structure is being experienced. What is, that is not seen, it is an illusion. It is the same with entire creation, bodies, and all creatures. All experiences are illusion.
Self Knowledge
I am the experiencer of the tomato, the seer. Tomato is not my essence because it comes and goes, but I stay, I am eternal. Same way I am also not an experience, I am the Experiencer.
Knowledge of Existence
I and the tomato are one. There is no difference in the experience of experiencer and tomato, there is no division between the two. There is no tomato, neither the experiencer of tomato, only experiencing. It is just being. Similarly any experience is my changing form only. Only I am everything. I am Existence. You too are that.